Cast: Sam Adams, Abbie Brenner, Andrew Faggion, Austin Lamewona, Maddy Logan, Malachi Marrero, Jamie Redwood, Jasmine Robertson, and Hershey Suri.
Production Team: Rian Sondag (Director, Script Supervisor), Austin Lamewona (Assistant Director, Playwright), Brooke Vespoli (Assistant Music Director, Music), Maya Stockman (Music Director, Conductor), Jamie Redwood (Assistant Music Director), Avery Pinta (Assistant Music Director), Sammie Arizmendi (Accompanist), Michael Smith (PR Manager), Liv Gorom (Social Media Manager), Tess Abedon (Show Artist), Micki Smolenski (Movement Director)
About the Trap Open Series
Trap Open explores non-traditional forms of playmaking, while developing and giving voice to the next generation of groundbreaking theatre artists. In keeping with the promise to foster innovative forms of expression, Trap Door opens up its space to company members, as well as guest artists, to develop new work that exists outside the realm of a traditional theatrical run. These performances occur sporadically throughout the prime-time season as additional offerings during the week and late nights. Whether it is a workshop of a bold new play, a daylong performance installation, or a collaboration with artists from other mediums, Trap Open offers audiences thrilling, unexpected experiences while granting artists the opportunity to take risks that push their artistic practices to new heights.
Trap Door’s Trap Open Series Presents:
The Underground Society for Music
Written by Austin Lamewona
Directed by Rian Sondag
June 29 – 30, 2024
The Underground Society for Music is a play with music about a group of musicians fighting to keep their art form alive. In spite of constant threats from government actors to stop for the greater good, they remain determined to succeed.