Cast: Anya Clingman, Elizabeth Ellis, Ryan Tang and Marie Tredway.

Production Team: Tate A. Geborkoff (Author/Producer), Rachel Staelens (Director/Producer), Joe Palermo (Sound Design), Roy Freeman (Music Direction & Composition).

About the Trap Open Series

Trap Open explores non-traditional forms of playmaking, while developing and giving voice to the next generation of groundbreaking theatre artists. In keeping with the promise to foster innovative forms of expression, Trap Door opens up its space to company members, as well as guest artists, to develop new work that exists outside the realm of a traditional theatrical run. These performances occur sporadically throughout the prime-time season as additional offerings during the week and late nights. Whether it is a workshop of a bold new play, a daylong performance installation, or a collaboration with artists from other mediums, Trap Open offers audiences thrilling, unexpected experiences while granting artists the opportunity to take risks that push their artistic practices to new heights.

Trap Door’s Trap Open Series Presents:

The Weeping Stone

 a live recording by Psychopompos – a new mythology


Written by Tate A. Geborkoff

Directed by Rachel Staelens

October 5th, 2024


Audience members will participate in a live recording of the myth The Weeping Stone. In this tale, Niobe of Tantalus, revered as goddess among mortals for giving birth to 14 children, compares herself to Leto, an Olympic goddess of motherhood, inviting the wrath of Leto’s twins: Artemis and Apollo. In Psychopompos – a new mythology’s retelling of the classic myth, the hubris of mortals is set against the unbending will and ultimate vengeance of the gods. But who is at fault: a mortal rising higher than Olympus wishes, or the gods above, who demand humility and supplication?