Carl Wisniewski

Trap Door credits
- The Martyrdom of Peter Ohey (Original cast and Repertory – Chicago, New York)
- Queen C
- Discourse Without Grammar
- Decomposed Theatre, Episode 3
- Phèdre
- Cookie Play
- Blood on the Cat’s Neck
- The Balcony
- Minna
- The Fourth Sister
- Garden of Delight
- The Crazy Locomotive
- Katzelmacher
- Nana
- Quills
- The Shoemakers
Carl Wisniewski (he/him/his) is a proud Trap Door Theatre Company member since 2001. He earned his BA in Theatre at Columbia College Chicago and his MA in Communication/Media/Theatre at Northeastern Illinois University. Outside of the Trap Door, Carl performed at Angel Island, Oracle, Prop, Red & Chopin Theater(s). Carl is a public speaking and communication instructor at Triton College and College of DuPage.
Carl Wisniewski as Just (pronounced yoost) is ingeniously vague.
J. Scott Hill, Chicago Stage Review (about Minna)
Arnold and Wisniewski are hilarious and play off each other, verbally and physically, with perfect timing.
Jacob Davis, Around the Town Chicago (about THEY)
Shoemaker and the other cast members (particularly John Gray as Slobok and Carl Wisniewski as Tenser) negotiate Witkacy’s hairpin turns with aplomb…
John Beer, New City Stage (about The Crazy Locomotive)