Cast: Venice Averyheart, Jenny Beacraft, Anarosa Butler, Marzena Bukowska, Magdalena Gera, Assaf Hochman, Neema Lahon, Emily Lotspeich, Tia Pinson, Matty Robinson and Carl Wisniewski.
Matei Vişniec playwright, poet and journalist, was born in Romania, and now lives in Paris. He began writing for the theatre in 1977. Early in his career Vişniec’s plays were banned by the Romanian censors. In 1987 he was invited to France by a literary foundation. While there, he asked for and received political asylum. After the fall of communism in Romania, in 1989, Vişniec became one of the most performed playwrights in the country. Vişniec gained international attention in 1992, with productions of Horses at the Window in France, and Old Clown Wanted at the “Bonner Biennale”. Since then, Matei Vişniec’s work has been produced in France, Germany, United States, Denmark, Austria, Poland, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Brazil, Romania, and Moldavia. Most recently, his play the word progress on my mother’s lips doesn’t ring true was the winner of the “Best Play in the Off-section” at the Avignon Festival in 2009. Most recently, by a decree signed by French President Emmanuel Macron, Matei Vişniec became a Knight of the National Order of Merit.
Discourse Without Grammar
Written by: Matei Vişniec
Translated by: Jozefina Komporaly
Directed by: Skye Fort
April 22, 2021 – Ongoing (Online)
What happens when words fail us? For those disappointed by debate, Discourse Without Grammar is a joyful exploration of active listening and experimental communication. Eleven performers in five countries create video performances that investigate hollow words, empty promises, and collaboration without connection.
Skye Fort is a director, performer, and musician originally from New Mexico and currently living in Maryland. She spent 8 years in Chicago, and is a proud member of Trap Door Theatre, where she has directed, acted, and stage managed, among other roles. Previous directing credits include Strange As It Seems (Tricklock Theatre, Abq NM), and Childhood Beauty (Trap Door Theatre). Skye is a founding member of the performance art group So This Is Art, and plays bass in the bands Big Mermaid, and The Garvey Train. She is currently pursuing an MFA at Towson University, where her focus is on directing and video performance. Skye is interested in exploring new ways to communicate, collaborate, and create, both in and out of a global pandemic.
Costume Designer: Rachel Sypniewski / Lighting Designer: Richard Norwood / Sound Designer: Michael Mejia / Make-up Designer: Zsofia Otvos / Graphic Designer: Michal Janicki / Stage Manager: Natalia Kliszczyk