The Martyrdom of Peter Ohey
June 2022
New York, New Jersey U.S.A.
Written by: Sławomir Mrożek
Translated by Nick Awde
Adapted and Directed by Nicole Wiesner
Associate Direction and Choreography by Miguel Long
On behalf of the Polish Cultural Institute New York, Trap Door Theatre’s The Martyrdom of Peter Ohey, written by Slawomir Mrozek and directed by Nicole Wiesner has been invited to perform in New York and New Jersey.
The production is co-produced by the Trap Door Theatre and the Polish Cultural Institute New York. Special Thanks to Tomek Smolarski for offering this opportunity to Trap Door Theatre.

Tour Cast and Crew: Venice Averyheart, Dennis Bisto, Michael Griggs (Set), Anna Klos (stage manager), Miguel Long (assistant director), David Lovejoy, Danny Rockett (Sound), Matty Robinson, Connor Sale (Lighting), Keith Surney, Bob Wilson, Nicole Weisner (director) and Carl Wisniewski.
New York
June 18: Bohemian National Hall, New York
New Jersey
June 19: Jersey City Theater Center, Jersey
Voices International Theater Fest