The word progress on my mother’s lips doesn’t ring true


June 2013

Romania & Hungary


Written by Matei Visniec

Translated by Joyce Nettles

Directed by Istvan Szabo K.

Guest Director from Hungary

The word progress on my mother’s lips doesn’t ring true’ headed out on a six-city tour, starting in Romania and including the prestigious international festival of Sibiu.

Thank you to everyone who donated through our Kickstarter campaign or through the mail. Without your help this tour would not have been possible!!!

Patrizia Acerra Rob Hummel Milan Pribisic
Akvavit Billy Hunt Timothy Pucetti
Kirk Anderson Dorcas Joslin Catherine Rahmes
David August Dubi Kaufmann Barbara Rapp
Jenny Beacraft Kate Kaye Joyce Rimlinger
Robert Berman Thomas Kelly Gregory Rothman
Daniel Bertsche Katha Kissman The Rosenwalds
Radu Bulgaru Lisa Korpan Howard Sachs
Richard Byrne John Kulczycki Theresa Sarkela
Ernestine Cibor Jeremy Laughlin Wendy Schmidt
Dominic Colella Travis Lenihan Jenny Seidelman
India Cooper Dana Letts Steve Simoncic
Catherine Cox David Liesse Norm Sloan
Peggy Cox Bruce & Carole Magnuson T. Ryder Smith
Peg Cundari Zbigniew Malecki Barbara Strassberg
Krystyna Cygielska Ruth Mandel Catherine Sullivan
The Damicos Ruth Margraff Rick Sullivan
Angela Dancey MKatherine Martinovich John Taflan
Philip Dawkins Paul & Gail Bayman Merritt Marie D. Thornburg
Irina Sucoverschi & Plamen Dimitrov John Midkiff Michael Toombs
Jaime Dunphy Marvin Mirsky Catalina Vasile
Noah Durham Fried Fran and Chuck Licht Lora Vatalaro
Shawna Franks Ross Mondschain Gray Vogelmann
Joan Garvey Daniel & Rotraut Moquay Robert Wagner
Nora Jane Garvey Molly Mullen Wesley Walker
Susan Garvey Marc Nelson Donnie Young
Linda Gates Derek Nyberg Betsy Zajko
Sean Griffin Nick Obis Maryellen Zuk
Michelle Hackman Joan Ofteness Mark
Adam Hay Marvin Oltman Krista
Danuta Hayer Nick Patricca Jenny
J. Scott Hill Marie-Simone Pavlovich Ben & Carrie
Carrie Holt de Lama Alzan Pelesic Marie’s Rip Tide!
Barbara Powers Little Bucharest

…and thanks to all those not listed here who helped or donated in other ways!!!

Explore the Chicago Production

Tour Cast and Crew: Antonio Brunetti, Malcolm Callan, Simina Contras, Kevin Cox, Michael Garvey, John Kahara, Meredith Miller,Richard Norwood, Beata Pilch, and Nicole Wiesner.



June 13: Sibiu

Sibiu International Theatre Festival

June 18: Teatrul Municipal Matei Vișniec, Suceava

June 19: Teatrul Radauti, Radauti

June 21: Tranzit-Fesz, Satu Mare

International Festival

June 23: Szigligeti Hungarian State Theatre, Oradea

June 25: Arad


June 26: Budapest

Promotion for the Sibiu International Theatre Festival