Cast: Jacqueline Wade, Sydney Monet Swanson, Jo Schaffer, Brendan McInturff and Zackary Sun.
Jacqueline Wade (she/her) holds a graduate MFA Degree from the City College of New York in Film from the Film Department. She holds a second MFA for Integrated Media Arts Program at Hunter. She worked as an adjunct professor at Hunter City University of New York in the Media and Film Department. She was a semifinalist for Fulbright 2021. Jacqueline’s goal is to create works of art as an activist artist and teacher that deal with the human condition, race, and social justice issues and history. She combines theater with documentary/narrative filmmaking, animation along with interactive media and puppetry. As an actress, Jacqueline has performed at various regional theaters throughout the country, including Wilma Theater, LaMaMa E.T.C., Classical Theater of Harlem and Bread and Puppet. She has also written over 20 plays, including Black Panther Women. Her play Miles Davis was nominated for an ADELCO Award. Jacqueline was a recipient of the Walt Disney Pride Rock Grant. She received a Ralph Chesse Scholarship to attend the National Puppetry Conference at The Eugene O’Neill. Jacqueline was invited to attend the prestigious BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theatre Workshop as a libretto which she is still part of. Jacqueline’s puppet film Osage, was shown as part of the film festival DOC NYC in November in 2021. She also recently finished her 90 minute hybrid Thesis film, Norm and the People. She recently created, designed, and was lead builder for a 20ft Mother Earth Puppet and her 18 foot Giant puppet Mumia Abu-Jamal that has been in many marches. Jacquelne was awarded in 2022 from New York Women in Film & Television 2022 Scholarship for exceptional work at Hunter in film. She recently finished a nine month residency through the Chicago International Puppet Theatre Festival Puppet Lab where she created her show, Consuewella: Triptych in MOVE. Jacqueline was recently awarded the Creative Puppetry in the Classroom Grant from the Jane Henson Foundation.
Jacquline would like to thank Beata Pilch , Trap Door Theatre and her cast and crew. Jacqueline Wade-George dedicates her work to her recently departed husband, Lucien George Sr., her departed father, John L Wade Sr. and mother Nann Wade. They taught her how to dream and create with love, activism and compassion.
Designer and Lead Puppet Fabricator/Builder: Jacqueline Wade / 2D Puppet Designer: Lauren Marin / Tree and House Designer: Torry Bend / Production Manager: Zackary Sun / Consultant: Myra Su
Trap Door’s Trap Open Series Presents:
Consuewella: Triptych in MOVE
Conceived and Directed by Jacqueline Wade
November 25 – December 3, 2023
Consuewella: Triptych in MOVE is a moving puppet performance piece about an African American woman’s journey through MOVE, a radical mostly African American back-to-nature activist group from Philadelphia and the system. Conceived, written, and directed by Jacqueline Wade.
This performance is for mature audiences-late teens through adults.

About the Trap Open Series
Trap Open explores non-traditional forms of playmaking, while developing and giving voice to the next generation of groundbreaking theatre artists.
In keeping with the promise to foster innovative forms of expression, Trap Door opens up its space to company members, as well as guest artists, to develop new work that exists outside the realm of a traditional theatrical run. These performances occur sporadically throughout the prime-time season as additional offerings during the week and late nights. Whether it is a workshop of a bold new play, a daylong performance installation, or a collaboration with artists from other mediums, Trap Open offers audiences thrilling, unexpected experiences while granting artists the opportunity to take risks that push their artistic practices to new heights.