Cast: Venice Averyheart, Anarosa Butler, Carl Chambers, Ron Christopher Jones, Neema Lahon, David Lovejoy, Michael Mejia, Emily Nichelson, Tia Pinson, Raquel Jezequel Personal, Cristina Pronzati, and Keith Surney
Sound Designer: Charles Otto / Graphic Designer: Michal Janicki / Production Assistant: Natalia Kliszczyk
Dinner with Marx
Written by Matei Vişniec
Translated by Adam J. Sorkin and Lidia Vianu
Directed by Kasey Foster
October 15 – October 17, 2021
Available to rent Virtually Now!
With an international cast of 12 artists from around the globe, Trap Door Theatre presents a collection of musical videos inspired by the poetry of Romanian playwright, Matei Visniec.
Matei Visniec, the playwright, poet, and journalist, was born in Romania, and now lives in Paris. He began writing for the theatre in 1977. Early in his career Visniec’s plays were banned by the Romanian censors. In 1987 he was invited to France by a literary foundation. While there, he asked for and received political asylum. After the fall of communism in Romania, in 1989, Visniec became one of the most performed playwrights in the country. Visniec gained international attention in 1992, with productions of Horses at the Window in France, and Old Clown Wanted at the “Bonner Biennale”. Since then, Matei Visniec’s work has been produced in France, Germany, United States, Denmark, Austria, Poland, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Brazil, Romania, and Moldavia. Most recently, his play the word progress on my mother’s lips doesn’t ring true was the winner of the “Best Play in the Off-section” at the Avignon Festival in 2009.
Kasey Foster is a performer, producer, director, and puppeteer. She is an Ensemble Member at Lookingglass Theatre, where she most recently performed in The Steadfast Tin Soldier (Ballerina). On-camera credits include: Chicago Med and IFC’s Documentary Now! Recent directing credits include: Isolated and Dreams, both at The Actors Gymnasium, and A Snapshot of Two Chicago Neighborhoods with Lookingglass Theatre’s Young Ensemble. Kasey sings with bands Babe-alon 5, Grood, Nasty Buoy, Old Timey, and This Must be the Band, appearing at venues throughout the city and across the country. She has created over forty original works in Chicago and produces two annual series, Dance Tribute and The ACTual Show. For more info, check out her website at www.kaseyfoster.com