Jenny Beacraft

Trap Door International credits
- Discourse Without Grammar
- Blood on the Cat’s Neck
- Princess Ivona
Ensemble member Jenny Beacraft (she/her/hers) is an actress, director, native Chicagoan. She moved to Barcelona 14 years ago and has worked extensively in theatre, film and voiceover. She is a member of Teatre de l’Enjòlit and has performed in their productions of Realpolitic, Seté Cel, Corrüptia, Si no ens Paguen No Paguem. Cinema credits include work with Cesc Gay, Antonio Chavarrias, Bigas Luna, Gabriela Cowperthwaite among others. Her most recent work as a director was Footnotes, a devised theater piece for Independent Little Lies and The National Theatre of Luxembourg. She is currently filming as an actress in Alejandro Amenabar’s new series La Fortuna in Madrid and directing the English Voices for the sarcastic and popular French youtube cartoon Don’t Die Dumb. Member of Trap Door International since performing in Blood on the Cat’s Neck and looks forward to many more crazy adventures with the company.
A dynamic and diverse group of international artists have come together in the last few years under the wing and direction of Artistic Director, Beata Pilch to produce theatre in Barcelona, Spain and tour throughout Europe as a new ensemble – Trap Door International.
Discourse Without Grammar is a fascinating visual pastiche, a modern vaudeville show. Directed and edited by Skye Fort, 11 performers in five countries have created video performances that “investigate hollow words, empty promises, and collaboration without connection.”
Nancy Bishop, Third Coast Review
Costume and gorgeous make up design – all created by the cast members themselves within their homes— appropriately plays into the abstract, other worldly experience of the piece.
Lauren Katz, Picture This Post (about ALAS)