Skye Fort

Trap Door credits
- Fantasy Island For Dummies
- Universal Wolf
- La Bête
- The Arsonists
- And Away We Stared
- Discourse Without Grammar
- Childhood Beauty
Assistant Director
- The White Plague
- Monsieur D’eon is a Woman
- Phèdre
Stage managing
- John Doe
- Occidental Express
Skye Fort (she/her/hers) is a director/performance artist/musician originally from New Mexico and currently living in Maryland. Skye has a bachelor’s degree in theatre from the University of New Mexico and is currently pursuing her MFA in theatre at Towson University. She is a proud member of Trap Door where she has had the opportunity to work in many capacities, including touring to Hungary, Romania and the Republic of Moldova.
This reviewer was intrigued throughout, finding the disconnected words and variety of theatrical elements of Discourse Without Grammar as a probing question of the purpose of language.
Annabelle Harsch, Picture This Post (on directing Discourse Without Grammar)
Trap Door Theatre and director Skye Fort have concocted a delicious series of visual performances. You can enjoy viewing them as you might enjoy viewing art in a gallery…
Nancy Bishop, Third Coast Review (on directing Discourse Without Grammar)
‘And Away We Stared’ is haunting and compelling… I was struck by the way in which this play fulfills the mission of Trap Door.
Barbara Keer, Splash Magazines (on directing And Away We Stared)